Friday 11 November 2011

The ring

The ring was presented by Luke Papworth. The ring shows a wide range of mise-en-scene, camera angles, sound and editing.

The film opens with a view of dark clouds moving across the sky quickly. This could represent how quick time is going. We then watch them go in to a dark deep forest, like they are trapped. The lighting is very clever now as it is red maybe like she is staring death in the face.

We see the woman in an isolated house and almost every shot has the telephone in. By doing this it makes a normal object seem scary, as the voice on the telephone told them they had a week to live. The man in the house then loses it and starts to smash everything up, this tells us he’s fed up and doesn’t want to have anything to do with this anymore. This scene shows how the ring can destroy lives. The camera then focus’ on the women for a lot showing her facial expressions and her vulnerability, when the man is out of focus in the back ground. There is also a lot of use of dark and light showing the fine line between alive and dead. Whilst the man is braking things he lot of small marbles go underneath the rug, this means there is something controlling them underneath the floor. This is where the music starts to become more upbeat and gets louder. They then smash the floor to find a deep dark secret.

There is a deep dark pit underneath the floor boards, like a gateway to hell. We see the t.v fly across the room in a low angle, again making a normal house hold object look dominant. The t.v basically kills the women as she is pushed in too deep pit, this relates to the start when she is watching the

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