Name:Lewis Barker
This is a character profile for an audience member in which I feel our film will be aimed at. This is a picture of them and I will portray their ideas towards the horror genre. Here is a small section of information on that;
Lewis is currently at North Herts College studying sport. He is outgoing, sociable and is perfect representation of the type of person I am looking to aim my film at.
He likes going out which is clearly stated by the photo where is at a festival. He is very social and goes out with friends regularly, this is what I want from our target audience so they are more likely to go to the cinema with friends. The age range is 15-25 and for both genders, you can tell from the photo he is more likely to watch a film with friends than family. Him and his mates only go to college three times a week, so has a lot of free time on his hands, most of these times he spends with friends.
His facial expression is happy and natural possibly suggesting that she enjoys going out with her friends and having a good time. He doesn’t like gory horrors such as saw and chainsaw massacre, but more psychological ones with sprits and ghosts in such as paranormal activity and the woman in black. He said he hears mostly about films through trailers on TV.
He doesn’t have a job but is currently looking for one, this means when he wants to go out to the cinema he gets money from his parents, but he said most of his friends have part time jobs.
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