Thursday 16 February 2012

Evaluation of preliminary task

What was my role?
 Within the group we all did our bit to help, as this was our first time filming we all said what we would like to do and what we felt were strongest at. Amber and I took the roles of performing in the piece, whilst Ben & Ellie took the lead in directing. These roles didn’t mean we could not put our own input as when I wasn’t appearing in a scene I help with the camera work e.g. in the establishing shot when ben walks out the doors. I helped with editing where I could, but as we had a limited time to finish so Ellie and Amber took the lead.  I Also came up with the idea of using the toilet and having the toilet role stuck to somebody’s shoe, but as a group we expanded on these ideas, and came up with the idea to add a female to the piece and make it a ‘funny’ love story.

What worked well?
I feel there were many strengths in preliminary task. I believe the location was very good and effective, it was close by, so we did not have to travel far. We were also quite lucky on the weather as the sun was shining just at the right time as we filmed our establishing shot, also we saw two girls walk out the doors we wanted to use in the shot, this captured our attention and is the reason why Bens walks out, this seems to make the scene a bit more lively and effective than it just panning round an empty door. I feel the three quick jump cuts of when I’m in the toilet worked really well, it built up tension and made my character seem more important. I believe the editing went well, we changed the colour to black and white, no real reason just we felt it look better, the music also fitted in well and mirrored what I was doing.

What didn’t work so well?
There were a couple of things that didn’t work, one was when we started filming the flip camera only had half a full battery. We didn’t take any notice of this and start filming, we thought it would be okay, but then we started re filming scenes and trying different camera angles. These things caused us to lose battery and we ended up having to leave the room and come back later when it was re charged. When we came back the people in the background had gone, we tried our hardest to fix it, but we knew there was going to be a continuity problem, we knew it would be ok, as long as we said we made a mistake. We edited out prelim in Windows movie maker, knowing that we would be using final cut on our main piece, so we would not get a head start on how to use it later on.

What would you do differently for your main task?
For our main task we will try and make sure the camera is fully charged when we go to film, it is these small problems we will try to eliminate 

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