Thursday 16 February 2012

Preliminary Task

My group for the preliminary consisted of myself, Ellie Fletcher, Ben Bowen and Amber Holt. We believe a group consisting of two different genders it could enhance the prelim and our ideas. We were gave a short passage to keep our prelim to ‘Subject A enters through a door. Inside Subject B is sitting down, as Subject A enters the room they pass a piece of paper to subject B, Subject B reads the piece of paper and shows a reaction and leaves the room’.
This is a link to our preliminary task
For our Preliminary task we decided to do our piece as a comedy, as we were in the school and had a short time to film it, we thought we did not the time to produce a good horror as we would of liked it to have been outside of school and at night. So we went against the idea of horror. The idea of this prelim was to get use different camera shots and techniques. It also gave us the opportunity to direct, edit and even perform.
When wondering what ideas and shots to use, we thought an establishing shot revealing the location, then zooming in to ben walking out the building, by doing this it shows the audience we are at a school, and by zooming in on ben it shows that it is in the afternoon as the school has students in. We then cut to an extreme close up of three quick shots, first of my hand flushing the toilet, second of me washing my hands and lastly drying my hands, these shots were no longer the 2 seconds each, this shots told the audience that someone was in the toilet but it was yet to be revealed.  There is then a mid-shot of myself walking out of the toilet door with the sign to show it is mens on the door which shows the significance of the gender of the character, we liked this shot as it as the music also start and shows the audience my identity.
We then dissolved in and out a hand impatiently tapping, this added to the effect of the unknown. We continue with a jump cut of myself walking through the corridor, I walk past Ellie, and as a stereotypical male, check out Ellie , we put in an exaggerated stumble here to imply the comedy effect. When I regain my balance we placed a point of view shot revealing myself. We placed a heart dissolve editing technique to over exaggerate the theme of our piece. We then cut to a point of view shot of Amber looking up at myself striking a ‘cool’ pose. We then cut to the cut to the shot of Amber and myself, I reach in to my pocket to reveal a piece of paper, I pass it to amber, we then cut to an over the shoulder shot of amber revealing the piece of paper ‘hey’ to the camera is cut to a extreme close-up of amber her expression of not being interested and throw the piece of paper and throws it back at me.
My facial expressions and gestures when this happens also adds to the comedy effect as I seem to be ‘heartbroken’. I walk outside and down the corridor there is a long shot of myself and Amber, this reveals the toilet paper stuck to myself, this caps of the comic events our film. We placed the music ‘what makes you beautiful’ in the film as it is an upbeat song, and the lyrics relate to our prelim.

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